There’s No Place Like Kansas

There’s no place like Kansas. No, really though. When Kansas Tourism invited me to visit, I didn’t know what to expect. I was excited to visit a new state, but I didn’t think there would be much to see. I was wrong. Here are 5 things you probably never knew about Kansas:
-There is a vibrant art scene. From Lucas to Linsdborg to Wichita, I noticed how each town/city had its own slightly different art scene. But they all had one.

-The towns have personality. All of them. No matter how small. And they are proud of it. Talk to any local and they will tell you how great their town is and what it has to offer. It’s always nice to be surrounded by people who genuinely love where they live. People are friendly, too. Lucas is a very quirky little town. And by little, I mean the population is around 400 people. Yet there are quite a few local folk artists, the Garden of Eden with its bizarre history, and the most intricate public bathroom I’ve ever seen.

-The nature is actually quite beautiful. Driving along the Scenic Byway, I found myself turning my head more often than was probably safe. From wide plains to vibrant sunsets to moody storm skies, the views are endless. Bonus: there are waterfalls and hiking in Kansas! I enjoyed a canyon hike at Kanopolis State Park. Oh, and did I mention the dark skies? Kansas has some of the best stargazing I’ve ever experienced.

I hope you all get a chance to make it to Kansas one day! I know I can’t wait to go back. A special thanks to the tourism board and to Charles, Connie, Dave, Amy Kay, and everyone else I met for making my trip so memorable.